Remote Services

    Most people who own or lease an alarm system utilize one or more remote services to enhance their security.  These remote services encompass the following:

    • Central Station Monitoring
    • Private Alarm Response
    • Patrol (Residential & Commercial)


    This is where an alarm system is privately monitored 24/7, through a phone land line, cellular radio, or both, by a central monitoring station.  There is a monthly charge for this service which varies by company.  It’s usually the large alarm monitoring companies which charge the highest monthly rate for this service, even though the monitoring process is virtually identical for all alarm companies.


    Depending on where you live, police response to burglar alarm calls can vary dramatically.  In many smaller cities with their own police departments, reliable and fast response to alarm activations is commonplace.  In big cities with higher crime rates and more alarm calls, police response can take from one to five hours, or more, or not at all.  Because of the numerous burglar alarm calls in larger cities (93% – 99% are false) law enforcement has to respond to, reliable alarm response cannot be guaranteed.  That’s why private alarm response is necessary in many Southern California cities.

    As city budgets shrink during this severe economic downturn, more police departments are going to a Verified Response policy.  A Verified Response policy means that law enforcement will not routinely respond to burglar alarm calls without verification by an eyewitness, audio/video monitored by an alarm company, or a private security officer responding to a call.  In other words, there is no guarantee that law enforcement will respond to an alarm unless there is verification that an actual crime is taking place.  In many cities with a Verified Response policy, alarm owners must pay an expensive fine for law enforcement dispatched to their false alarm.


    Many Southern California residential and commercial areas are plagued by
    high crime rates.  It is for this reason that private patrol services for individual homeowners, gated communities, homeowner associations, businesses and industrial parks are used in the affected areas to help reduce crime.  Secure Protection provides all three of the essential remote services to provide another layer of protection for its customers.

    Call Secure Protection BEFORE you need us.  We’re always ready to serve you.
